? Domestic
Ferret Conservation status:
![]() A domestic ferret "resting"
Scientific classification | |||||||||||||||||
Mustela putorius
furo ( Linnaeus, 1758) |
In general use, a ferret is a domestic ferret (Mustela putorius furo), a creature first bred from the wild European polecat or steppe polecat at least 2,500 years ago. Several other small, elongated carnivorous mammals belonging to the family Mustelidae also have the word "ferret" in their common names, including the endangered black-footed ferret. Contrary to popular belief, ferrets are not rodents.

No one knows exactly when ferrets were first domesticated, but ferret remains have been dated to 1500 BCE. Some say the ancient Egyptians had ferrets, but it is more likely that Europeans visiting Egypt saw cats and thought using a small carnivore to protect grain stores was a great idea.
The ferret was probably bred from the European Polecat (Mustela putorius), though it is also possible that ferrets come from the steppe polecat (Mustela eversmanni) or some hybridization thereof. All three species have unique similarities and differences.
For hundreds of years, the main use of ferrets was for hunting, or ferreting. With their long, lean build and curious nature, ferrets are very well equipped for getting down holes and chasing rodents and rabbits out of their burrows. They are still used for hunting in some countries, including the United Kingdom and Australia, where rabbits are considered a plague species and the combination of a few small nets and a ferret or two remains very effective despite technological advances. However, the practice is illegal in several countries, where it is feared that ferreting could unbalance the ecology.
Caesar Augustus sent ferrets (named 'viverrae' by Plinius) to the Balearic Islands to control the rabbit plagues in 6 BCE.
Ferrets were first brought to the New World in the 17th century and were used extensively from 1860 until the start of World War II to protect grain stores in the American West. They first became popular as pets in the mid-1970s, chiefly thanks to Dr. Wendy Winstead, a veterinarian and former folk singer who sold ferrets to a number of celebrities and made many TV appearances with her own ferrets.
Ferrets as pets

In many ways, ferrets act like kittens that never grow up. They have energy, curiosity, and potential for chaos all their lives, and are always keenly aware of their surroundings. However, they are far more people-oriented than cats, and most actively elicit play with their owners.
As a pet, ferrets rank third in the U.S., behind dogs and cats. Ferrets are sometimes accused of being dangerous to small children, but this claim is false -- proportionally, ferrets do much less harm to children than dogs or cats. Their lifespan can vary widely, but most often falls between six and eight years.
Dangers to ferrets
It has been suggested that ferrets were bred for curiosity; whether this is true or not, their curiosity often exceeds their common sense. Ferrets are very good at getting into holes in walls, cupboards, or behind household appliances, where they can be injured or killed by electrical wiring, fans, and other dangerous items. Many enjoy chewing items made of soft rubber, foam, or sponge, which present the risk of intestinal blockage and death if ingested. Screen doors are no match for a ferret's claws, and dryer vents often become escape routes. Fold-out sofas and recliners are particularly dangerous, since ferrets will often climb inside the springs and then be squashed and injured or killed once the chair is put into a reclined position.
For these reasons, steps must be taken to "ferretproof" a home before acquiring one as a pet. Ferretproofing a house involves carefully going through each room, removing items dangerous to ferrets and covering over any holes or potential escape routes. Ferrets can open improperly-latched cupboards or doors by rolling over and clawing at the bottom edge, so many owners buy childproof latches or keep cleaning products in high, out-of-reach places.
Ferrets are obligate carnivores, meaning that their natural diet consists entirely of meat, and they lack the ability to digest vegetable matter.
There are a wide variety of ferret foods available at pet shops in the US. A cat or kitten food can also be used, as long as it provides the high protein and fat content required by the ferret's metabolism. Ideally, a ferret food should contain between 32-38% protein and between 15-20% fat, with the top three ingredients meat-based.
Ferrets usually have a fondness for sweets like raisins, peanut butter, and pieces of cereal. Such treats should be given sparingly (if at all), as they cannot get any nutrition from such treats and their high sugar content has been linked to insulinoma and other diseases.
Some ferret owners feed a meat-based diet consisting of chicken, organs, bone, and whole prey like mice and rats. This is still common in Europe, and is becoming increasingly popular in the US as concerns are raised about processed ferret foods' high sugar and carbohydrate content.
Ferrets spend most of their time (14 to 18 hours a day) sleeping, but when awake they are very active, exploring their surroundings relentlessly. Ferrets are crepuscular, meaning they are most active during dawn and dusk. If kept in a cage, they should be let out for at least one hour daily to get exercise and satisfy their curiosity. When ferrets are kept in their cages for too long, their walking ability can be affected and they may become subject to depression or "cage stress". Ferrets, like cats, can use a litter box with training.
Ferrets are also fine backyard companions and especially enjoy "helping" their owners in the garden. However, they should not be allowed to wander; ferrets are fearless to the point of foolishness and will get into whatever holes they will find, including storm drains. Whenever they are outside, they should be closely supervised and preferably kept in a harness leash.

Since ferrets are social animals, many of them are playful by heart and are happy to play with humans. "Play" for a ferret can involve hide-and-seek games, or some form of predator/prey game in which either the human attempts to catch the ferret or the ferret catch the human.
Like a playful kitten, ferrets usually will not actually "bite" their human companions, but instead gently grab a toe or finger in their mouth and roll around with it. However, ferrets who have been abused or are in extreme pain will bite a human. Ferrets have extremely strong bites and can readily bite through human skin. Once properly socialized, however, domesticated ferrets will very rarely bite humans.
Most kitten toys work well with ferrets. Toys made of rubber or foam should be avoided, however, as ferrets can chew off and swallow small pieces, causing or leading to intestinal blockage. Ferrets love playing tug of war with toys and stuffed animals.
When ferrets are especially excited, they will perform the weasel war dance, a frenzied series of sideways hops. This is often accompanied by a soft chuckling noise, called dooking by many ferret owners.
Ferrets and children

Ferrets can make wonderful pets for both young and older children. Small children, however, should be closely supervised around ferrets and taught how to correctly play with and hold them, as with any domestic animal. Ferrets sometime react by squirming, scratching, or, if truly desperate, nipping. Nipping can be corrected in most cases with proper socialization.
Given that young children and ferrets can both be excitable and prone to rough play, interaction between ferrets and young children must always be closely supervised -- for the protection of both the children and the ferrets. While a ferret may not be a good choice for a household with an infant or toddler, for older children who are able to be calm and gentle, a ferret can be a wonderful pet. It really comes down to a personal choice - know your child and make an informed decision whether any pet will fit into your household dynamics.
Social nature

Ferrets are extremely social animals, and enjoy playing and interacting with other ferrets. They frequently bond emotionally with other ferrets, and bonded pairs are often observed to die just a few days apart from each other. Many ferret owners recommend owning two or three ferrets for this reason, but there is nothing wrong with owning one ferret, provided that he receives lots of play time and attention.
Ferrets have been known to play with household cats and small non-aggressive dogs. However, great care must be taken when introducing ferrets to any new animal, particularly terriers and other breeds raised to catch ferret-sized prey. Ferrets will normally not get along with rabbits, rats, and mice, which comprise part of its diet in the wild.
Grooming and care
Domestic ferrets need to be vaccinated against the canine distemper virus, which is quickly deadly to them. Many US states also require a rabies vaccination, although rabies rates in ferrets are extremely low and there are no documented instances of a ferret passing rabies to a human.
Ferrets need their nails clipped and ears cleaned on a regular basis. Most ferrets also shed twice a year, in the spring and fall; during this time, it is a good idea to brush them regularly and give them a laxative to protect against ingesting too much fur.
Bathing your ferret can be a chore. This should be done twice a year, but can be done more depending upon the preference of the owner and the ferret. The reason this is done twice a year is because bathing the ferret rids its body of the oils it produces. After a bath, a ferret may stink even more because it is trying to make up for the oils lost. When bathing your ferret, make sure the temperature is warm, not hot or cold. Choose a shampoo made especially for ferrets, prefferably with aloe in it, or a baby shampoo or baby oil. Make sure not to get shampoo in the eyes as it can cause irritation. When rinsing your ferret, thoroughly wash and scrub all shampoo off as excess shampoo can also cause irritation to the skin. After the bath, towel dry the ferret completely. The ferret will be very active after a bath and loves to run around; therefore, do not put the ferret back in his cage right away. Allow him some time and room to play.
It is recommended to bring your ferret to a veterinarian for a yearly checkup. Since ferrets are both predator and prey animals in the wild, they often hide symptoms of illness very well. As a result, any out-of-the-ordinary behaviour is good cause for a vet visit.
Travel with ferrets
Other uses of ferrets
Ferrets have been used to run wires and cables through large conduits. They have been employed in this way at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and by event organizers in London. TV and sound cables were run by ferrets for both the wedding of Charles, Prince of Wales and Lady Diana Spencer, and for the Millennium concert in Greenwich Park.
Ferrets are also extensively used in biomedical research. Since they share many anatomical and physiological features with humans, ferrets are often used in the fields of virology, reproductive physiology, anatomy, and endocrinology.
Ferret biology
Like many other carnivores, ferrets have scent sacs near their anus. Secretions from these are used in scent marking. It has been shown that ferrets can identify whether such a mark was left by a male or a female ferret, without recognising the individual. Like a skunk, a ferret can release this scent when startled or scared, although the smell dissipates rapidly. Most pet ferrets in the US are sold with these anal sacs removed.
Many domestic ferrets in the United States are known to suffer from several distinct health problems. Among the most common are cancers affecting the adrenal glands, pancreas, and lymphatic system.
Adrenal disease
Adrenal disease, a growth of the adrenal glands that can be either hyperplasia or cancer, is most often diagnosed by symptoms like unusual hair loss, increased aggression, and (in the case of females) an enlarged vulva. Even if the growth is benign, it can still cause a hormonal imbalance which can have devastating effects on the ferret's health.
Treatment options include surgery to excise the affected glands, steroids and/or hormone therapy. The cause of adrenal disease is unknown, but some speculate that the species-inappropriate highly processed vegetable-based diets companion ferrets are fed, and/or unnatural light cycles domestic ferrets are exposed to in the homes of their owners cause or contribute to the growth of such tumors. Others have suggested that the problem is hereditary, and it has also been highly speculated that adrenal disease may originate from early neutering, which reportedly occurs before six weeks of age in commercial farms.
Ferrets are also known to suffer from insulinoma, a cancer of the pancreas. The growth of cancerous nodules on the lobes of the pancreas sometimes, but not always, leads to an increase in the production of insulin, which regulates the rate at which the ferret's body metabolizes blood glucose. Too much insulin will cause blood sugar to drop, resulting in lethargy, seizures, and ultimately death. Symptoms of insulinoma include episodes of lethargy, drooling, pawing and/or foaming at the mouth, staring "blankly" into space, and seizures.
Like adrenal cancer, the cause of insulinoma is unknown. It is speculated that the diets of domestic ferrets are too far removed from the natural diets of their polecat ancestors, and include too much sugar and/or too many simple carbohydrates. Treatment for insulinoma may include surgical excision of the cancerous lobes, pharmaceutical treatment with steroids that suppress the production of insulin, supplemental changes in diet (most often poultry-based baby food), or a combination. Unfortunately, the growth of the tumors cannot be completely stopped, and the ferret will eventually suffer a reoccurrence of symptoms.
Viral diseases
ECE (epizootic catarrhal enteritis), a viral disease that first appeared in the northeastern U.S. in 1994, is an inflammation of the mucous membranes in the intestine. In ferrets, the disease manifests itself as severe diarrhea (often of a bright green colour), loss of appetite, and severe weight loss. The virus can be passed via fluids and indirectly between humans. Although it was often fatal when first discovered, ECE is less of a threat nowadays with the right supportive care.
ADV, the Aleutian disease virus, is an illness originally found among mink in the Aleutian islands in the early 20th century. In ferrets, the virus affects the immune system (causing it to produce non-neutralizing antibodies) and many internal organs, particularly the kidneys. There is no cure or vaccine for the disease, and ferrets may carry the virus for months or years without any external symptoms. As a result, many ferret organizations and shelters recommend that owners test their pets for the virus regularly, separating them from other ferrets if they test positive.
Waardenburg Syndrome
Ferrets with a white stripe on their face or a fully white head, primarily blazes, badgers, and pandas, almost certainly carry a congenital defect known as Waardenburg syndrome. This causes, among other things, a cranial deformation in the womb which broadens the skull, causing the white face markings but also partial or total deafness. It is estimated as many as 75% of ferrets with visible Waardenburg signs are deaf. Beyond that, the cranial deformation also causes a higher instance of stillborn ferret kits, and occasionally cleft palates. Because of this, many breeders will not breed Waardenburg-patterned ferrets.
Terminology and Coloring

Male ferrets are called hobs; female ferrets are jills. A spayed female is a sprite, and a neutered male is a gib. Ferrets under one year old are known as kits. A group of ferrets is known as a "business".
Ferrets come in a variety of coat colors and patterns, the most common of which are as follows:
- red-eyed white (albino)
- black
- black sable
- champagne
- chocolate
- cinnamon
- dark-eyed white
- sable
- silver
Color concentrations:
- point
- roan
- solid
- standard
- blaze
- panda
- mitt
White ferrets were favored in the Middle Ages due to the ease in seeing them in thick undergrowth, and ownership was restricted to those earning at least 40 shillings a year (a rather large sum then). Leonardo's painting Lady with an Ermine is likely mislabled; the animal is probably a ferret, not a stoat, for which "ermine" is an alternative name (strictly applying only to the animal in its white winter coat). Similarly, the "Ermine portrait of Queen Elizabeth the First" shows her with her pet ferret, who has been decorated with painted-on heraldic ermine spots.
Ferrets as pests
In 1877, New Zealand farmers demanded that ferrets be introduced into New Zealand to control the rabbit population (which was also introduced by humans). Five ferrets were introduced in 1879. In 1882-1883 thirty two shipments of ferrets were made from London, England totaling 1217 animals. Only 678 landed, and 198 were sent from Melbourne, Australia. On the voyage, the ferrets were mated with the European Polecat, creating a number of hybrids that were capable of surviving in the wild. In 1884 and 1886 close to 4000 ferrets and ferret hybrids, 3099 weasels and 137 stoats were turned loose. [1] Concern was raised that these Mustelids would eventually prey on indigenous wildlife once rabbit populations dropped. This did in fact happen, as New Zealand bird species had evolved free from mammalian predators.
There has been a good deal of controversy on what the descendants of these released animals are, as ferret activists contend that these are hybrids and that domesticated ferrets could not survive in the wild [2], while others assert that there is little European Polecat lineage in ferrets caught in New Zealand. [3] However, few argue that enough research has been done to settle the matter.
Given that domesticated pet ferrets are always spayed or neutered at an early age (6 to 8 weeks), descented, are kept indoors, and have not been cross bred with any other Mustelids in centuries, it is highly unlikely that domesticated pet ferrets could pose a risk to ecological balance. Currently, pet cats cause a great deal more damage to bird populations than pet ferrets.
Nonetheless, many areas around the world have banned pet ferrets due to the difficulties of New Zealand.
Ferrets in literature and the media
- The Internet puppet show " Funday PawPet Show" features several ferrets as main characters.
- The title character of the short story Sredni Vashtar by Saki (pseudonym of H. H. Munro) is a pet "polecat-ferret" secretly kept by a young boy.
- The children's book Zucchini by Barbara Dana is about a boy and his pet ferret. However, the author gets a number of basic ferret facts wrong, claiming that they are vegetarian rodents.
- The BBC Children's TV magazine programme Xchange (CBBC) stars the puppet Vinnie, a wheeler dealer, general mischief making ferret.
- In the film Kindergarten Cop, John Kimble (played by Arnold Schwarzenegger) owns a pet ferret, which later becomes the mascot of his kindergarten class and saves his life by biting the main antagonist near the end.
- Richard Bach, author of Jonathan Livingstone Seagull, has two books, Air Ferrets Aloft and Rescue Ferrets at Sea. These books are part of the Ferret Chronicles series.
- In the 2004 romantic comedy Along Came Polly, Jennifer Aniston's character, Polly, owns a ferret named Rodolfo who often runs head-first into stationary objects (to great comedic effect). The ferret was also featured in the promotional material for the film.
- The film Beastmaster has two ferrets which appear as major characters. The film's protagonist usually kept them in a small pouch attached to his belt.
- The web comic Sluggy Freelance features a talking ferret named Kiki.
- In the third Harry Potter book and film, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, the main staple of the hippogriff Buckbeak's diet seems to be ferrets.
- In the fourth Harry Potter book and film, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the character Draco Malfoy is turned into a white ferret.
- HTV Wales' long-running investigation series, The Ferret, has a ferret in the main titles and also has dictionary text on the titles describing the word "ferret".
- Aristophanes, a Greek playwright of note, made references to ferrets in the satire 'The Achaeans' written around the year 450 B.C., comparing the Achaeans to ferrets, who were widely regarded as thieves.
- In the movie Starship Troopers, one of the main characters, Carl, owns a ferret named Cyrano.
It is illegal to keep ferrets as pets in Queensland or the Northern Territory; in the ACT a license is required.
No limitations.
New Zealand
Since 2002 it has been illegal to sell, distribute and breed ferrets in New Zealand.
No limitations.
Selling, distributing, breeding and keeping ferrets is illegal in Iceland.
United States
California and Hawaii have laws that restrict the ownership of ferrets. California residents submitted a bill, AB647, to make ferrets legal in the state [4], but the bill died in committee in mid-2005.
Ferrets are also restricted by individual cities, such as New York City, Washington, DC, Beaumont, Texas, and Bloomington, Minnesota. A permit to own a ferret is needed in some areas, including New Jersey and Rhode Island. They were legalized in Dallas, Texas in August 2005.
United Kingdom
No limitations.